Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Kašmiirine Kroonprints

Siit ma tulen, peale pikka vaikust. Ehket kaua-tehtud-kaunikene?

Olles hiljuti läbinud "haapsalu salli" kursuse, sain kohe õpitut katsetada. Soov oli Nancy Bushi raamatu järgi ruudu-kujuline kroonprints - niiet võtsin ja kudusin kohe raamatu järgi. Esimest korda elus kudusin servapitsi eraldi - kahes tükis ja õmblesin külge - julge samm minu poolt.
Värv ja materjal muidugi kõike seda ei soosinud:) Aga tulemus on suursugune, õhkõrn ja nii-pehme-nii-pehme!
Materjaliks saadeti udupeen Filatura Di Crosa Superior - 70% kašmiiri, 30% siidi. Ühes tokis on teda u 300meetrit ja kulutasin teda pea 7 tokki.
Vardad 3mm põhiosa ja 3,5mm servapitsi tarvis.
Päris ruut ta ei tulnud - lõplik mõõt sai 170x155cm.

Here I come, finally.
Thisone took me twice as much time it usually does:) But it turned out glorious and I am proud of my effort.
It It is a custom order from a lovely lady from Australia. She is going to wear it in her daughters weddings. She sent me yarn and also had a wish to have "crown prince" as it is in Nancy Bush book "Knitted lace of Estonia". So, this time I just had to do knitting:) It took 4 weeks! It is a lot for me - lucky me, its done now.
As I took a course about knitting "haapsalu" shawl recently, then I had a chance to use all tips right away. For a very first time I knitted edging separately in two pieces and sew all together. Phew:)
Although yarn (and also its shade) didnt make it anyhow easy for me.
It should be a square, but it didnt turn out quite square, but something like 170x155cm.

It is super luxurious yarn - Filatura Di Crosa Superior - contains 70% cashmere and 30% silk blends. It has about 300 metres per skein and I used almost 7 skeins.
Needles 3mm for center part and 3,5mm for edge.

Serv on kootud topeltlõngaga ja hiljem varras läbi aetud - et jääks kenasti aasaline nagu peab:)
Casted on edging with double yarn and stretched out stitches to get a nice loopy edge as it has to be:)

Sedasi siis. Pilti tegi Loore, üle käisin nad ise nagu tavaliselt:)

Suur tänu kõigile, kes te olete kannatlikult siin ikka-jälle kiikamas käinud!
Loodetavasti järgmised tööd rõõmustavad teid siin jälle piisavalt varsti;)

Well, thats it for now:) Loore took photos and I developed them, as usually.
Thank you for your patience and concern about my long silence! Lets hope that next projects wont take so long;)