Täna tuleb teistmoodi postitus.
Ja see väike mees, neil piltidel, on "peategelane".
Muutused on toimumas.
Veidi enam kui pool aastat tagasi suundusin ma peale 4 aastat pojaga kodus taas palgatööle.
Selle aja jooksul oleme pojaga viibinud 4 korda haiglas, talle on tehtud 3 operatsiooni, ta on põdenud iga kuu ägedat angiini ning sellest johtuvalt läbi imbunud antibiootikumidest.
Nädal tagasi lõigati Toomasel mandlid välja ja me väga tahaks loota, et see toob pöörde paremuse poole.
Siit, sellest punktist, teen ka mina (tagasi)pöörde - oma laste ja iseenda juurde. Panen maha oma päevatöö ja kavatsen veeta hulgaliselt mõnusat aega poja ja kudumisega.
Tunne on hea.
There will be no knits in this post today.
But this little man on photos, is the "main character" of this post.
There is a time of change for me.
Seven months ago I decided to take a day-job after spending 4 years at home with my son.
During those months we have been hospitalized 4 times, there has been 3 operation, he has suffered an acute angine every single month and cause of that is leaked with antibiotics.
A week ago his tonsils were cut. We are hopeful that it will make a good change for us.
But here I do make a change as well - for my son and myself.
I have quitted my day-job to stay home and praise my time with my son and knitting.
It feels good. Really good.
Ma siiralt loodan, et kõigi teie lapsed on terved ja saavad mõnusasti kasvada; et teil on oma laste ja endi jaoks aega;
et te ei unusta olulist ses igapäeva saginas.
Muinasjutulist pühadeaega kõigi teie kodudesse!
I dearly hope that your children are all doing well, they are healthy and they have joy to grow; that you have/take time for your children and yourselves; do not forget in your daily rush, what it is, what really matters.
May magic come around in all your homes during this holiday-season; May your beloved-ones be well!