Friday, March 19, 2010

Kaelus-karu etüüd. Etude of the Teddy.

Ei, me näpud ei laiskle siinpool.
Korraldasin täna uue modelliga väikese fotosessiooni, et aimu anda, millega näpud tegelevad.

Karu-Kati on hea modell - istub fookuses, ei nurise ja näeb imearmas välja! Ainult et tal ei ole sugugi kaela, mida antud "toote" pildistamiseks tegelikult vaja on.
Mistõttu on sedakorda esitlus pigem kunstilise taotlusega.

Ehk saame ka kaela-modelliga lähiajal kaelused pildile, siis lisan ka täpsemalt mida ja millest siin meisterdanud olen.

No, my fingers havent stopped.
Arranged a photo-session with my new model this afternoon, to let you know, what I have been doing here those days.
Teddy Kati (thats her name) is an excellent model - sits nicely, doesnt claim much and looks adorable! Just she's got no neck whats actually needed to present those items:)
So it stays rather arty presentation here and now.
Lets hope I will get those collars captured with "neck-model" as well soon enough. Then I will share also more technical information.


Väike "kliki" juubel oli ka siin blogis paar päeva tagasi - 100 000!
Aitäh teile, kes te ikka käite ja klikkate!

Thank you!

There has been a tiny "click" jubilee here around those days - 100 000!
Thank you for all of you who you are visiting my corner now and again!


rosalia said...

Oh! It's cute! Lovely!

sircu said...

näevad juba praegugi isuäratavad välja! karu-kati on oma ülesannete kõrgusel:)

Michele said...

Congrats on 100,000. I always look forward to my Saturday visits to your site.

Monika said...

Mõmmik on väga armas modell!

Inga said...

Thank you Rosalia:)

tänud Sircu!

so good to read, Michele! thank you!
