Kootud samal põhimõttel, mis minu tõrumüts, tõrude asemel seekord auguline kude. Mütsi juurde on Katsi jaoks vardal ka õlasall, kus pikin sisse sedasama augulist rütmi.
Lõng on Indiecita 100% alpaka villane, pärit Veimevakast. Kudusin 2 otsa ühes nr 4 vardaga.
Pilti tegi Loore, poseerin taaskord ise.

This hot red hat is right about hitting the road for Kats.
Its knitted in the base of my acorn hat, I've just knitted the lace-pattern instead of the "acorns". I'm about knitting also the shawl to go with the hat, where I'm knitting in the same lace-stich.
Yarn is Indiecita 100% alpaca fleece. For this hat I've used it 2 ends together, needles no 4.
Photographed by my daughter Loore, "modeling" myself.
Tänud läbi astumast!
Thank you for hitting my blog!
Thanks so much for posting in English - I love looking at your projects - now I can read about them too .
Väga armas müts ja tabav nimi ilusale punasele mütsile!
Thank you, Kate!
tänud, Ülle:)
Such a nice hat and what a pleasant surprise that I can read your blog! Thank you Inga, it made your blog even more joy to visit! Marijgje
thank you for your kind words, Marijgje!
Nice that you blog in english. Waiting to read some more!
Your work is beautiful and i've been enjoying to see them, and now it's great to read about them too.
Jaana from Finland
thank you so much, Jaana! My needles are working almost nonstop, so there will be more soon for sure:)
I also want to thank you, Inga, for posting some in English! I've been visiting your blog for a while now and I absolutely think your creations are just f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s:D
thank you so much, Suvi-Eerika!
Thanks for posting in English, I am a regular "reader" and admire your projects very much.
thanks a million, Julie!
I have enjoyed your pictures and beautiful works and now I can really read this blog, jei! :)
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