Thursday, May 28, 2009

Leedripuu varjus / Under the elder-tree

Seekordne pitssall on punutud kingituseks. Mõeldes konkreetsele inimesele.

See oli kaks suve tagasi, kui mu kudumiskirg uue hoo sisse sai ning ma endale teemat hõlmavat kirjandust kahmasin. Teiste seas "The best of Knitters magazine: shawls and scarves".
Juba esimesel sirvimisel püüdis mu pilku üks muster, mis oli trükitud tagakaane siseküljele. Sedasi häguselt. See jäi mul kummitama.
Nüüd ma siis leidsin, et see on see õige muster, mis selle salli sisse saab. Ei muutnud midagi, isegi otsad tegin nagu ette näidatud. Või nohh, kui aus olla, siis teksti ma ei lugenud vaid kudusin skeemide ja fotode järgi:)
Sedamoodi kukkus siis seekord välja:)

Lõng - Alvita Silkid, kulu 3,5 tokki (u 80g). Varras 3,5mm.

This shawl is knitted for a present. Thinking of a certain person.

About 2 years ago, then I rediscovered knitting as a passion for myself, I got greedy and stocked up many thematic books. One of them was "The best of Knitters magazine: Shawls and scarves".
I remember then I dipped into a book very first time and one pattern got my attention. It was printed on a inner cover, backside of the book, blurry. But somehow I was hooked by it.
So, finally I found this is the right pattern for my knit. And I didnt change a bit. Well, I didnt read any instructions as well, but just knitted by photos and charts, so Im not sure if its 100% right:)

So, this is how it turned out this time:)

Yarn - Alvita Silkid, 3,5 skeins (about 80g), needles 3,5mm.

Tänud külastamast!
Thank you, for hitting my blog!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Kristalne / Crystal

Kui pruudile kootud boolero valmis, tekkis tahtmine veel miskit sedalaadset punuda.

Laisk, nagu ma olen, võtsin lõnga, mida tunnen ja mustri, mida tean peast ning kukkusin uhama.

Ja nii ta siis selline saigi.
Minu lemmiklõng - Rowani Kid Classic, toon crystal. Mammi lõngapoest.
Varras 4mm.

At the time I finished the bolero for future-bride-to-be I knew that I would love to knit something similar again.

Lazy, as I am, choose the yarn, which I know well and a pattern Im able to knit by memory. And here we go.

Yarn - my favourate-one - Rowan Kid Classic, shade crystal.
Needles 4mm.

Tänud läbi astumast!
Thank you, for stepping by:)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Aupaiste / Glory

Ehk siis mind ja mu nn kudumislugu võib leida maikuu Eesti Naisest.
Tänud Grethe, et mind üles noppisid, üle kuulasid ja armsasti kirja panid!

My "knitting-story" has been published in Estonian oldest and most dignified women's magazine "Eesti Naine" (Estonian woman).
Im grateful to a lovely journalist Grethe, who picked me up, interviewd me and wrote a cute story:)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ilukuduja nüüd Etsy's / BeautyKnitter now in Etsy

Viimaks ometi lükkasin end käima ja tegin algust veebipoega Etsy's.
Tahan teda küll veel täiendada ja parendada, kuid julgesin juba blogi sidebari üles linkida.

Koon ma ikka jupimaad rohkem, kui tarbida jaksan, aga pidama ka ei saa kuidagi. Nüüd siis üritan sedamoodi oma "tegevust" laiendada.
Ehk õnnestub veidi lõngaraha teenida;)

Minu visioon Etsy jaoks kätkeb poekest, kus erinevat laadi, kuid siiski vaid õlasallid ilutseksid.
Sestap ka sedalaadne reklaamtekst sai sepitsetud (ei hakka eesti keelde tõlkima, vabandan!)

Imagine yourself stepping out to the street from opera house Following your son's soccer game on Sunday afternoon

Or leaning at the door of your country house Joining the picnic with friends in the park

Swinging in your granny's backyard
Or cuddling your beloved one in front of the fireplace

Imagine the passionate knitter, who has put her energy and love into her handicraft.
Imagine it covering your shoulders and keeping you warm on special occasions or every day.

Grandmother's wisdom goes: if your shoulders are covered, you'll never feel the cold.

Sincerely yours,

Finally got started with my shop in web, in Etsy.
It needs improving and correcting yet, but had a courage to link it to my blogs sidebar.
I've knitted way more, than its actually needed around here, but cannot stop myself!
So I give a try to expand my creation this way and hopefully earn some money for fine yarns;)

My vision for Etsy is a shop where from you will find all kind of, but only beautiful shawls.
Lets hope I'll find my place in there.

Leia mind poest!
Find me from Etsy!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Suveunistus / Summer dream

Ilmselt paljud naised unistavad imelisest päevast, mil neile saab osaks õigus olla kõige ilusam ja õnnelikum naine planeedil. See "kõige ilusam" on ilmselt selle konkreetse päeva puhul isegi see esmatähtis.
Nii saabub see tähtis päev suvehakul ka Heilikal. Lisaks kõigele muule, oli tal ettekujutus, et ta soovib vilumal hetkel oma pulmakleidil kanda boolerot.
Siinkohal sain mina talle abiks olla, kududes talle õhkhõrna õlakatte - just sellise nagu ma ise seda ette oskasin kujutada.

Traditsiooniline haapsalu muster, nupud, palju õhku. Pikad varrukad, otstes masetid, kraeserva kudusin kahekordse.
Kasutasin Alvita Silkid mohäärlõnga, mida kulus 4 tokki ehk 100grammi. Kudusin 3,5mm varrastega.

Pidasin kohaseks sedakorda kudum üles pildistada modellita - kuulub see ju pruudi garderoobi ja peab kantud saama esmakordselt ja ainult pruudi enda seljas.

Meeleolu loomiseks võtsin abiks mehe vanaema kingad ning pärlid.

I think there still is a dream about the most beautiful day in our lives beyond women. The day when we get to be most beautiful and happy persons on entire planet.
So is the Day about arriving in the early summer for Heilika. And she had a vision, that she would like to wear light bolero on her wedding dress, then it gets bit chilly.
In this case I can help her out by knitting a light cover for her shoulders, just like I imagined it.
Traditional stich pattern (Haapsalu), nupps, lot of air. long sleeves ending with cuffs, the edging, what is also a collar, is knitted double.

The yarn is Alvita Silkid, 4 skeins. Used needles 3,5mm.

This time didnt use model for a shoot, as the garment belongs to a future Bride to be and should be weared first and only by her. But I did use my husbands granny's shoes and pearls to create the mood:)

Thanks for stepping by!