Ja minul oli mõttes Inglise Roosi mütsi (Ravelry link) proovida.
Nii ma need kaks mõtet ühitasin. Liiatigi, kui olin juba Monika blogist seda kombinatsiooni näinud, sain aga julgust juurde.
Ühtteist muutsin originaaliga võrreldes.
Selleks läksid kasutusse üksikud tokid Rowan Kid Classicut, mis mul lõngakorvis parasjagu vastu vaatasid.
Vardad 3,5mm.
My daughter has been demanding mittens for a some time and I had an urge to try out english rose hat (Ravelry link).
So I decided to put those two together and give it a try. Although, made slight changes here and there.
Also as I have seen already Monikas version of this knit, I had even more courage to go for it.
Needles 3,5mm.
Photos are taken and developed by me. A model is Loore (isnt she a beautiful young lady?) herself as a proud owner of a new hat and mittens;)
Ilusat pühade jätku!
Suur tänu!
Have a beautiful continuing holidays!
Thank you!