Sunday, June 28, 2009

Crēme brulée

Katsetasin midagi teistmoodi. Eesmärk omaette oli ära kasutada lõngu, mida lõngakorvis parasjagu paar tokki ootamas. Üritasin ikka võimalikult lihtsalt läbi ajada:) Et ega oskagi väga miskit sõnada. Ehk räägivad pildid.

Tehnilise poole pealt - põhiosa kudusin kaks rida 2 otsa Rowan Kid Classicut koos (toonid "feather" ja "oats") ning kaks rida peenikese siidi-mohäärlõngaga Rowan Kidsilk Haze (naturaalne valge). Serv kootud ainult Kidsilk Hazest. Kõiki lõngu kulus 2 tokki.
Varras - keskosa 7mm ja serv 6mm. Nii jämedaid vardaid ei olnud ammu käes hoidnud:)

Tried to make something different. Main purpose was to make the best of those yarns, which I had just coupple of skeins in my yarn-basket. Cant say "waste"-yarns really:)
Well, tried to get by as simple as possible.
Actually, have no clue what to add here by words, lets hope photos can talk.

About technical details - for body part I used Rowan Kid Classic (shades "feather" and "oats"), 2 ends together and Rowan Kidsilk Haze (natural white). For border only Kidsilk Haze.
2+2+2 skeins.

Needles - body part 7mm and edging 6mm.

Modell Aveli, pildistasin ise.
Läheb Etsysse müüki:)

Model Aveli, photographed by me.
Will be for sale in Etsy!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Its a wrap!

Järjekordne õlakate. Sain eelmisest innustust ja punusin ühe veel.
Sama põhimõte - kootud ühest hõlmast teiseni, lühikesed read, keskmised read ja pikad read.
Alumise serva kudusin taotluslikult "kereosast" kitsama, et tekiks selline "õhupalli" efekt:)
Krae kudusin sedakorda püstise ning servast lainetava (vabandan, piltidelt see eriti hästi ei paista).

Lõngakorvist leidsin Rowan Tapestry "rustic" tooni lõnga ja seda siis kulutasin, 6 tokki.
Varras 3,5mm.

Läheb mu poekesse Etsys ;)

Pilti tegi seekord Taavi.

Here we go with another wrap. Got inspired of lastone and had to knit one more.
Same technic - knitted hem to hem, short rows, medium rows, long rows. Bottom edging is knitted smaller, than body part is, to get a "balloon" efect :P
Mandarin collar with ruffled edging (sorry, doesnt show on photos very well).

Its Rowan Tapestry, shade "rustic", used 6 skeins.
Needles 3.5mm.

This item will be available in my Etsy shop.

Photographed by Taavi.

Tänud läbi astumast!
Thank you for stepping by!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mary Poppins

Kaugel-kaugel Soome järvede ja metsade keskel elab üks suure südamega armas naine Maija. See kudum rändab soojendama Maija hinge valgetel suveõhtutel, jahedatel sügisõhtutel, pikkadel talveõhtutel ehk loodetavasti igal mõeldaval hetkel.

Algne idee pärineb raamatust "Wrap Style", Robin Melansoni disainitud ese "Fluted Ribs".
Veidi panin ennast juurde:)

Lõng Rowan Kid Classic, toon "crushed velvet", 5 tokki.
Varras 4mm.

Far-far away, in the land of the thousand lakes, lives a bighearted lovely lady Maija.
This garment is traveling over to the Finland to keep her warm.

Basic idea came from book "Wrap Style", design by Robin Melanson - "Fluted ribs".
Ive changed it "my way":)

Yarn Rowan Kid Claccic, shade crushed velvet, 5 skeins.
Needles 4mm.

Foto / Photo Loore

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Kroonprints / Crown Prince

Millegipärast valisin tumehallist alpakast kudumiseks raamatust "Knitted Lace of Estonia" Kroonprintsi mustri. Olen suur "nupu-armastaja" ja tundus hea valik selle värvi jaoks.
Selge oli aga see, et ruutu ma temast ei koo vaid üritan ristkülikuks ümber mängida.
Läksin veidi hoogu - õiget proportsiooni oli tarvis ja siis oli vaja muster uuesti kokku jooksutada, et salli viimane ots ka klapiks. Kui liistule tõmbasin, sain mõõduks 220x90cm.
Sestap otsustasin, et serva ei koo üleni vaid ainult otstesse.
Aukartustäratav ese kukkus välja:) Sobiks oma mõõtude poolest vabalt ka voodit katma või akna ette:)

Lõng - Indiecita Alpaca (100%), kulus 9 tokki (450g), Veimevakast.
Varras 3,5mm.

Somehow it happend that for shawl from dark-gray alpaca fleece I choose the pattern Crown Prince from "Knitted Lace of Estonia" (by Nancy Bush). Im very keen about the "nupps" and of course Im in love with our own Estonian lace patterns.
Well, but i didnt want to get a square out of it, so I tried to get a rectangular.

So I got carried away - had to get right proportions and then couldnt just end it, cause the pattern had to run together from the ending. Means, if I blocked it, then turned out, that the measures are 220x90cm:)
Thats why I decided to not knit border all around, but only in the endings.
Have to admit, that turned out huge project and this shawl could fit also for covering the bed or as a curtain:)

Yarn is Indiecita Alpaca (100%), 9 skeins (450g).
Needles 3.5mm.

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