Hakkasin aga ülevalt kaela juurest kuduma ja nii nagu ta vardalt tuli, nii ta nüüd siis siit paistab.

Lõnga kulus tiba üle 3 toki, varras 3,5mm.

Started from a neckline and knitted it without knowing how it should turn out beforehand.
Invented those flower-motives myself and seemed, that one row between cables is just enough.
I am really pleased how it turned out:)

The yarn I used - Hjertegarn Cashmere blend - is just divine. Would like to knit it again. Shawl is dreamy soft and warm.
3,5 skeins of yarn and needles 3,5mm.
Selle salli kudumiseks kulus mul tavalisest rohkem aega, sest olen oma randmetega hädas olnud. Hetkel on nagu korras, kuid püüan end kudumisega tagasi hoida.
Tänan siiralt kõiki, kes on häid soove ja nõuandeid läkitanud!
I needed more time for getting this shawl done as I have been in trouble with my wrists. It is much better these days, but I am trying to hold myself back with knitting.
Thank you all from bottom of my heart for sending good wishes and tips over!
Mina olen taaskord sõnatu. Imeline!
Oi kui huvitav muster! Tõesti on kavald vaheldada pitsiribad ja palmikuribad! Rõõm kuulda, et saad jälle kududa.
This is a perfect first try!;) I love it!
tänud Maret:)
aitäh Anna!
thank you, Melinda;)
Oo, kui võrratult kaunis!!!
Hästi kaunis ja omapärane! Lillemuster jookseb ka kenasti õlgadel.
Tõeliselt kaunis muster! Väga ilus õlasall. Kaunis, kaunis...
aitäh, aitäh, aitäh!
I like your works:)
It is good to have you back, but take care with your wrists! This shawl is absolutely gorgeous...
Abselutely the most beautiful shawl I ever saw !
I would have absolutely no idea how to even begin such loveliness and hope you consider making the pattern. I must say that is one of the loveliest shawls I have seen. I really do like it a lot.
Sall on imeilus! Palmiku ja pitsi kooslus on ootamatu ja põnev!
oh, sa oled lihtsalt võrratu!
reljeefsed palmikud ja õhuline pits, nii kift kooslus.
Ma olen sõnatu! Vapustavalt ilus sall!!!
thank you Delka!
thank you Krokusz:)
thank you Maj!
thank you so much, Carla!
I am so glad you like this shawl!
Especially because I did not expect that I will absolutely love this piece myself as well:)
aitäh Monika:)
suur tänu Marianne!
tänud Ülle!
Suurim rõõm heade sõnade üle, mis siin lausutud! Eneselegi ootamatult meeldib see sall mulle endale ka väga! Ja kui te veel teda katsuda saaksite...
Võrratu sall! Ja tundub juba pilte vaadateski ülipehme!
Very Very beautiful !! congratulations, you've made a wonderful shawl with painful wrists ... I admire all of your work !
Sul ikka "loob" see kudumine... Ootamatud ja pisut vastandlikudki pinnad kokku liita ja tulemus on taas täiuslik! Imeilus!
suur tänu Monika!
thank you so much, Viviane!
aitääähh Leina!
mmmm! It's a fantastic work!
thank you, Rosalia!
Imeline sall!
Lihtsalt võrratu!
aitäh Kadri!
aitäh Rupamari!
Triangles are usually not my cup of tea, but this one is really divine. :)
schafwoelkchen blog
thank you Nina! I do feel same about trinalges, but this times it felt like a good choice:)
Your shawl is one of the most beautiful I have seen!
Do you plan to sell the pattern?
Wow - the shawl is absolutely stunning. If you ever wrote that up in a pattern I would by it in a heartbeat.
Glad your wrists are feeling better :)
I've been following your blog for a while and I just love all your work, beautiful knitting and wonderful pictures! The latest shawl <3
I make a trip twice a year to Tallinn to purchase yarn and I'm also interested to know from where you're buying yarn locally...
thank you so much, Grete!
Its just a first try, we'll if i will get to writing up the pattern:)
thank you, Michele:)
Thank you, Kati!
I do buy yarn for my projects mainly from Veimevakk (www.veimevakksalong.blogspot.com) and I do use a lot of internationally known yarns - Rowan, Hjertegarn, Debbie Bliss, Novita.
Im quite lazy type - as this yarn shop is close to my home, then I'm used to buy from there:) Also, yes, there is a good choice for a knitter like me. But we do have some shops more in Tallinn:)
Hello. You have knitted a wonderfull shawl. I see many beautifule things you have made.
Do you make patterns and sell them?
wich you a nice weekwnd from Norway;)
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