Viimaks ometi lükkasin end käima ja tegin algust veebipoega Etsy's.
Tahan teda küll veel täiendada ja parendada, kuid julgesin juba blogi sidebari üles linkida.
Koon ma ikka jupimaad rohkem, kui tarbida jaksan, aga pidama ka ei saa kuidagi. Nüüd siis üritan sedamoodi oma "tegevust" laiendada.
Ehk õnnestub veidi lõngaraha teenida;)
Minu visioon Etsy jaoks kätkeb poekest, kus erinevat laadi, kuid siiski vaid õlasallid ilutseksid.
Sestap ka sedalaadne reklaamtekst sai sepitsetud (ei hakka eesti keelde tõlkima, vabandan!)
Imagine yourself stepping out to the street from opera house Following your son's soccer game on Sunday afternoon
Or leaning at the door of your country house Joining the picnic with friends in the park
Swinging in your granny's backyard
Or cuddling your beloved one in front of the fireplace
Imagine the passionate knitter, who has put her energy and love into her handicraft.
Imagine it covering your shoulders and keeping you warm on special occasions or every day.
Grandmother's wisdom goes: if your shoulders are covered, you'll never feel the cold.
Sincerely yours,
Finally got started with my shop in web, in Etsy.
It needs improving and correcting yet, but had a courage to link it to my blogs sidebar.
I've knitted way more, than its actually needed around here, but cannot stop myself!
So I give a try to expand my creation this way and hopefully earn some money for fine yarns;)
My vision for Etsy is a shop where from you will find all kind of, but only beautiful shawls.
Lets hope I'll find my place in there.
Leia mind poest!
Find me from Etsy!
Imeline reklaamtekst! Tekitab täpselt õige tunde. Palju toredaid kliente ja edu!
Palju edu!
aitähh, aitähh Heleena ja Muhv, edu läheb ikka elus tarvis :)
Oh, my loved one The golden starflower is there :)
The only problem for a knitter is, that it's almost impossible to buy something that I could make myself.
But your shawls are so gourgeous that I'm sure you will find the buyers.
I only wonder how is it possible to knit shawls to sell? It takes like a month for me to knit a single lace shawl. You are so skilful! And courageous too :) congrats for the shop!
thank you Maiju for you support!
you are right, knitters probably are not the target group for me. although, at the same time, they know what it takes and appreciate the work:)
Im looking around in Etsy and awing for jewels and accessories and clothes, others have made, huh.
I keep doing my thing anyway and its really nice then people around appreciate it.
Just sometimes feel like, maybe Im able for more:) so, i have to give a shot for myself!
I wish you loads of success with the shop!
Palju edu ja tore et nüüd on võimalus neid ilusaid asju kõigil soovjatel muretseda!
:) Õnne poe avamise puhul ja muiudgi ka müügiõnne!
suured tänud!
Poekesele palju huvilisi!
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